
Manage your organization, its children and invitations.

Get an organization

Return an organization.

GET /organizations/:id

Success response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "url": "/organizations/1/",
  "name": "Example",
  "contact_email": "",
  "settings": {
    "nickname": "",
    "notify_message_status": true,
    "notify_optouts": false,
    "external_optout_message": ""
  "parent": null,
  "can_attach_files": false,
  "can_external_optout": false,
  "_links": {
    "opt_outs": {
      "href": "/organizations/1/opt_outs/"
    "children": {
      "href": "/organizations/1/children/"
   "invite_user": {
      "href": "/organizations/1/invite_user/"

List your organizations

Return a list of organization with user organization and childrens.

GET /organizations

Success response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Same as get an organization section as a list.

Modify an organization

Update your orgnization or a child one.

PUT /organizations/:id

Success response

Return updated organization.

Error response

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request

  "contact_email": [
    "Saisissez une adresse email valable."

List organization children

Return list of children organizations.

GET /organizations/:id/children

Success response

Same as get an organization section as a list.

Invite a user into an organization

Invite a user into an organization.

POST /organizations/:id/invite_user

Name Type Description
identifier string User identifier

Success response

HTTP 201 Created

  "identifier": ""

List organization opt-outs (todo)


Create child organization

Only organization administrator can create child organization.

POST /oganizations

Name Type Description
name string Name
contact_email string Email
parent string Parent organization URL in case of child
settings object
settings.nickname string Nickname
settings.notify_message_status string Notify contact_email on status changes
settings.notify_optouts string Notify contact_email on new opt-out
settings.external_optout_message string Custom external optout message

Success response

HTTP 201 Created

  "url": "/organizations/2/",
  "name": "Child organization",
  "contact_email": "",
  "settings": {
    "nickname": "nickname",
    "notify_message_status": false,
    "notify_optouts": false,
    "external_optout_message": "Custom message"
  "parent": "/organizations/1/",
  "can_attach_files": false,
  "can_external_optout": false,
  "_links": {
    "opt_outs": {
      "href": "/organizations/2/opt_outs/"
    "children": {
      "href": "/organizations/2/children/"
    "invite_user": {
      "href": "/organizations/2/invite_user/"