
You message attachments to add files to your messages.

Add an attachment

Add an attachment to a message.

Your organization need to be able to add attachments. This can be change in Django administration console.

POST /attachments

This request must be done in HTML form (not JSON body).

Name Description
message Message URL
file File object

Success response

HTTP 201 Created

  "url": "/attachments/1/",
  "message": "/messages/1/",
  "filename": "example.png",
  "size": 20029,
  "size_in_mail": 26708,
  "_links": {
    "download": {
      "href": "/attachments/1/download/"
    "content": {
      "href": "/attachments/1/content/"
Name Type Description
url string Attachment URL
message string Message URL
filename string Uploaded filename
size integer Uploaded file size
size_in_mail integer File size in mail

List attachments

GET /attachments

Return a list of attachments.

Modify and attachment

Update a message attachment.

PUT /attachments/:id

Delete an attachment

DELETE /attachments/:id